Experimental projects
This repository is a diverse collection of learning projects and experiments that are individually too small to have dedicated repositories. All projects share the same git repository but each is stored in a different branch.
- android
Android NDK experiments with the Cigma programming language
- arduino
Self-contained bridge between Arduino and ESP8266
- esp32
Using the Espressif IoT Development Framework with the Cigma programming language
- mqtt
Examples using the PAHO libraries with the Cigma programming language
Simple MQTT automation scripts using MOSQUITTO
MQTT-controlled breathing light timer in Python
MQTT-controlled media remote in Python
- raytracing
Very simple ray tracer implemented with the Cigma programming language
- opengl
Simple graphical examples of using OpenGL with the Cigma programming language
- python
Experiments with modern Python features (async, typing, …)
- oculusmobile
Example usage of the Oculus VR SDK with the Cigma programming language
- webrtc
Example usage of the Chrome WebRTC libraries with the Cigma programming language
- webvr
Using WebVR browser integration with Javascript